Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Snow, snow, snow

Amazing to think that Jamie's climbing more in New England than we here in Colorado are. That what the Spot and CATS are for. (Can't do the BRC with infants). Nick Sherman has set the perfect project at the Spot--the fourth and final rehab problem (pink on the River Wall). Crimpy, reachy, powerful V11, maybe soft 12 but classic. I hope I can get it before the next setting cycle. The moves are falling one by one but the continuity is fierce. Also had a decent campus session on Sunday. I'm wondering if there's a chance I can tick V13 by next fall? I'm setting that as a goal.

Sophia turned one year old yesterday and we had a little party and bought a Christmas tree. Amazing how quickly that year has gone.

In case you thought bouldering was anything like extreme, visit the New York Times for this article about skydiving with a wing suit. Talk about landing technology!


  1. happy birthday to sophia and holy cripes, peter: v11, 12, + 13, eh?

  2. Thanks guys--photos of first birthday cake, etc. to follow
