Monday, August 4, 2008


Well I have gotten off dawn patrol as even lower chaos was too hot at 7:30 and I was clearly not getting much sleep. A visit to the graham boulder left me feeling like I had the beginnings of elbow tendinitis, a sign I am not getting enough recovery time. The conditions were too warm but maybe this week things will begin to cool down a bit.

Getting closer on the first V10 crux on the Spotdala, a likely V13 crimp problem I set at the Spot. Daniel Woods and Tyler Landman had a crack at it yesterday and said it was pretty hard.

Otherwise not much to report. I heard that Heart of Darkness, a 5.13 I put up in Boulder Canyon has substantially broken leaving a likely 5.14 which is great news. Another project!

Visit my Boulder Canyon Guide and check out updates for the Graham Boulder and Castle Rock areas.


  1. by hot, how hot do you mean. just too hot for serious project sending or too hot for life?


  2. At eight am it felt like 80 degrees plus in the sun which for 10,000 feet is a bit much for a grease trap like GB arete

  3. ahh yes, that problem is no fun in direct summer sunlight...or in my case it wasn't fun in any condition :)
