Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Both Graham Aretes in One Session

I went up to the Graham Boulder this afternoon hoping to do the Left Graham Arete. The weather was dry and cool and pretty much perfect. I warmed up pretty quickly thanks to a fingerboard session at home. Ryan Silven showed up at the same time with the same problem in mind and he showed me the other beta that exists for the problem.

I hopped on the problem for a get re-acquainted session and strangely enough did it first try! After a short rest I worked the Right Graham Arete and after a few tries literally scraped up it. This is the first time I have done two double-digit problems in the same session. Here's the video of the Left Arete.

Needless to say I was very psyched and hope to get on some more local V11 and up testpieces over the winter. Training on the fingerboard has been very helpful as well as just getting out there as often as possible. Even at 44 years old, I feel I can climb a lot harder. Also I should add that the V10 Dragons, while not designed as an edging shoe, worked perfectly on the literally dime edges of the Left Graham Arete.


  1. Nice work Peter!

    And I agree, the Dragons are surprisingly versatile on more vertical climbing than say the V10s were.

  2. like on said on the 8a message

    nice jorb d00d

  3. I was wondering what the size difference between your dragons and other 5.1 shoes is. I have the Anasazi Velcros in a 10.5

  4. The only shoes I have used before are V10s and the sizing is actually pretty consistent between them and the Dragons.
