Friday, January 14, 2011

Two Videos from Flagstaff Mountain

The snow is melting fast and I am hoping to get some climbing done outside this weekend. Here are two videos of problems I did in the last few months. The first is a repeat of a two-move problem called Glass Plus, a likely V9 FA I did a couple of years ago. The crux is pulling off the ground and holding the swing.

Glass Plus V9 from peter beal on Vimeo.

The second video is an ascent of Right Finger SDS, a cool little V7 down the ridge from Crown Rock, at the Candel Area. This problem is very sharp and crimpy with good movement. There are a number of other excellent problems nearby as well.

Right Finger V7 SDS from peter beal on Vimeo.

Some day when I have more free time, I will climb somewhere else but for now, it's the place to be!


  1. Hey Peter,

    How do Glass Plus and Don't Touch the Glass differ from the finish of Will LeMaire's Window Shopper? Are these problems just the last moves of his still unrepeated(?)boulder problem? Regardless, they are still fun on their own.

    Ted L.

  2. DTTG is essentially the same as the finish of WS. GP is quite a bit different per the video
